Tuesday 25 November 2014

Faces of BFY - Manfred

Early bird price has closed but registration for the camp is still open! Don't wait any longer! Sign up at http://bit.ly/pushingboundaries_4 NOW!

"My dad paid for my Melbourne school trip last year. It was unexpected as he declined to pay for it many times until the last call for booking. He was still unwilling to pay for it even after he found out about the subsidy and I pestered him a lot. I was about to give up when he finally agreed because my teacher told him that it was good for me to bond with my classmates. The trip was very fun and gave me a lot of happy memories with my secondary school classmates and schoolmates and was a good reward for completing my N Levels. Usually he would not pay for such an expensive trip as he does not like to spend money."
- Manfred

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