Tuesday 5 August 2014

Excerpt on Compassion

Again, Bro Heng Xuan very generously shared another excerpt with us, this time on compassion.
“…when we step on a thorn, our hand reaches down, pulls it out, and bandages the foot. The hands doesn’t say, “Foot, you’re so stupid! I told you to watch where you’re going, but you didn’t. Now I have to fix you up. Don’t forget that you owe me a favor!” Why doesn’t the hand “think” like this? Because the hand and the foot are part of the same organism, and they help each other naturally and without thinking. Similarly, if we consider ourselves part of the same organism of all sentient life, we will reach out to others as if they were us. That is the type of compassion we try to develop through practice.”
Thubten Chodron
Have a great day ahead, people :)

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